The CompBat Kick-off meeting took place on the 5th-6th of February 2020 at Aalto University, Finland.

CompBat Kick-off meeting 5.-6.2.2020, Aalto University, Finland
Aalto University, Undergraduate Centre, Otakaari 1, room: U523 Top Lounge (5th floor)

Day 1
10:00 Welcome Coffee
10:30 Opening, welcome by Aalto University (Aalto/Pekka Pelijo)
10:45 Partner introductions (all)
11:30 Project overview and organization (Aalto/Pekka Peljo)
Lunch Restaurant Metso, Dipoli (2nd floor), Otakaari 24
13:00 Introduction to INEA, and grant management main procedure (INEA/Annarita Ferreri)
13:45 Technical project overview, objectives for year 1 (Aalto/Pekka Peljo)
14:15 WP introductions:
WP1 High-throughput screening (TTK/Imre Papai & Aalto/Kari Laasonen)
WP2 Finite element simulations (UU /Daniel Brandell)
15:00 Coffee
15:30 WP introductions:
WP3 Stack and system modelling (Skoltech / Keith Stenvenson & UNIPI/Umberto Desideri)
WP4 Model validation and experimental data generation (Aalto/Pekka Peljo & JYU/Petri Pihko)
16:30 Workshop 1 (Finite element, system and technoeconomic modelling): detailed planning of the first year
17:30 Close of day 1 (Aalto/Pekka Peljo)
18:30 Dinner – Restaurant Fat Lizard, Tietotie 1 (also in Otaniemi, near Metro station)
Day 2
08:30 Project administration, procedures, reporting (Aalto/Terhi Ylöstalo)
09:00 WP5 Dissemination and exploitation (UNIPI/Umberto Desireri & Aalto/Pekka Peljo)
WPs 6&7 Project management & Ethics requirements (Aalto/Pekka Peljo)
10:00 Coffee
10:30 Workshop 2 (Molecular modelling): detailed planning of the first year
11:30 Planning of Advisory Board
12:00 Outcome of kick-off meeting: action item list, next meetings
12:30 Closure of meeting
Lunch Restaurant Metso, Dipoli (2nd floor), Otakaari 24


Download the Kick-off agenda