On February 3rd, 2021, our Steering Board Meeting took place.

The six-monthly meeting has become an important milestone for our project, giving us the opportunity to share the progress made and to discuss future steps.
Each Partner presented results from their group, and this allowed us to obtain a precise overview of the implemented strategies.
Furthermore, we also made an overview of the dissemination part of the project, with insights about current results and new strategies to adopt.

Following, the list of all the speeches:


Jyväskylä University
Current achievements of WP4 COMPBAT project


Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungary
Towards High-Throughput Screening


Aalto University
The study of the kinetic rates using density functional theory 


Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
‘0D’ modeling of RFB  


University of Pisa & Declar
Dissemination Update


Uppsala University
WP2: Finite element simulations