The Skoltech research team is involved in developing of zero-dimensional model suitable to simulate the dynamic behavior of the systems based on the different redox couples. Our general strategy is to develop computationally efficient model that could provide fast simulations while keeping high accuracy. The model is based on the approach for the determination of integral mass-transfer coefficient on the electrode-electrolyte interface from both the finite element simulations in WP2 and the polarization curves measured in WP4

The dynamic simulations of a single cell RFB systems under different operating conditions (e.g. loading currents, flow rates) are performed also considering systems with solid boosters. The simulations allow us to understand the dynamic behavior of the cells working with different redox-couples systematically exploring their performance. That information will be used in the next phase of the project for development of stack model considering shunt currents. 


The analysis of total losses is performed. On that step we analyze battery performance considering simplified efficiency indicators that will be used for techno-economic studies to determine the most prospective candidates among the discovered redox couples.