March Project Meeting

March Project Meeting

March 2023, our latest half-yearly project meeting took place, it consisted firstly of a Management Board meeting and Steering Board meeting. The project finalization has been discussed and the very last meeting to be held in person in Jyväskylä, Finland end of May...
March Project Meeting

Testing of new materials and Redox Flow Battery assembling

Looking for suitable materials for Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries (AO-RFBs), the new organic compounds synthetized within the CompBat project are tested in lab-scale flow batteries at University of Turku. The studies, performed inside a glove-box, involve...
Project Meeting 3rd of March

Project Meeting 3rd of March

On the 3rd of March 2022, our latest half-yearly project meeting took place, it consisted of a Management Board meeting, Steering Board meeting, where strategic decisions were discussed, and Work Packages meeting.  At the WPs meeting, each participant shared with the...