Nordic Flow Battery Network Autumn School 2021, Turku

Nordic Flow Battery Network Autumn School 2021, Turku

The Nordic Flow Battery Network Autumn School in Turku was held at Turun Yliopisto, Turku, Finland on 24th-26th November 2021. The Autumn School is an advanced course on Redox Flow Batteries, where more than 40 Ph.D. students and researchers from all around Europe...
H2020 Batteries Projects clustering event 17-18 November 2021

H2020 Batteries Projects clustering event 17-18 November 2021

The remote clustering event on batteries, organized by the EC will take place on 17-18 November 2021. 34 projects have been selected to present during the event, and CompBat is one of them! The main objective of the meeting is to bring together projects developing...
The infographic column: Unipi

The infographic column: Unipi

The electrical energy storage is one of the key challenges to address in order to realize the green transition to low-carbon economy. An extensive storage capacity will be required to balance the fluctuating nature of variable renewable energy sources such as wind and...
The infographic column: Skoltech

The infographic column: Skoltech

The Skoltech research team is involved in developing of zero-dimensional model suitable to simulate the dynamic behavior of the systems based on the different redox couples. Our general strategy is to develop computationally efficient model that could provide fast...
The infographic column: Uppsala

The infographic column: Uppsala

The objective of UU research team is the construction of a finite element model to estimate the cell performance both, for conventional redox-flow battery models and the implementation of solid boosted flow batteries. The cell model is developed using the software...
The infographic column: Turku

The infographic column: Turku

Evaluation of the prospective new molecules for flow battery applications starts by measurements of electrochemical properties such as the redox potentials, reaction kinetics and reversibility in different pH. These measurements allow initial evaluation of the...