Steering Board Meeting

Steering Board Meeting

Recently our periodic Steering Board Meeting took place.  During the meeting, as in the previous one, each partner shared the progress made and discussed future steps. The six-monthly meeting has offered an overview of the first results after 18 months of project,...
The infographic column: Jyväskylä

The infographic column: Jyväskylä

The JYU research team is involved in chemical synthesis of selected bioinspired molecules for redox flow batteries. The molecules have been identified in Steps 1 and 2 by TTK and Aalto. The most important property that guides the selection of molecules to be...
The infographic column: AALTO

The infographic column: AALTO

We will perform quantum mechanics based molecular dynamics simulations (AIMD) for studying the electron transfer from electrode to molecules that can be used in the redox flow battery (RFB). To be able to model the charge transfer we use the Constrained Density...
The infographic column: TTK

The infographic column: TTK

The TTK research team is involved in developing high-throughput screening (HTS) methods that enables the identification of promising candidates of water-soluble redox-active compounds for experimental synthesis and electrochemical characterization. The focus is on...
International Flow Battery Symposium

International Flow Battery Symposium

The symposium started on the 7th of July and will last till today, the 9th of July, it will showcase flow battery progress and review international R&D programs. The three-days event is an opportunity for discussion and networking among all the experts of the...
Compbat’s first publication

Compbat’s first publication

Thermodynamics, Charge Transfer and Practical Considerations of Solid Boosters in Redox Flow Batteries Molecules 2021, 26, 2111.   Solid boosters are an emerging concept for improving the performance and especially the...