Project Deliverables

Project Deliverables

D1.1 Virtual library of bioinspired molecules (DOWNLOAD HERE) D1.2 Report on methodology for high-throughput screening of RFB compounds (DOWNLOAD HERE) D1.3 Report on the modelling of electrochemical kinetics D1.4 Report on the stability studies D2.1 Multiphysics...
Project Deliverables

CompBat Final Seminar

On behalf of the CompBat consortium, we invite you to participate in our final seminar to hear about some of the achievements and results of our CompBat project. We will present our results regarding computational screening, including a web-based application to...
Project Deliverables

The last publication from University of Pisa team

Here you can find one of our last publications, from the University of Pisa team, entitled “Mixed Integer Linear Program model for optimized scheduling of a vanadium redox flow battery with variable efficiencies, capacity fade, and electrolyte...
Project Deliverables

The Theoretical Chemistry Research Group at TTK

 The Theoretical Chemistry Research Group at TTK  participated to an initiative about introducing their research activities, to secondary school students interested in chemistry. The video is in Hungarian with English subtitles and our project is shown...
Project Deliverables

Updates on database development and deep learning analysis

One of the major goals of the CompBat project is to elaborate a high-throughput screening (HTS) methodology to assist the discovery of new redox active compounds for aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Towards this end, the TTK team is now expanding the initial...